Emma Heyde and Alan Rate at Hornsby Aquatic Centre

The Greens are calling on Hornsby Shire Council to commit to installing solar panels on Hornsby Aquatic Centre, the same swimming pool that has blown out the Council’s greenhouse emissions to a 20% increase above 1995/1996 levels of greenhouse gasses.

Council had resolved to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 1995/96 levels by 2019/20, a target that now appears extremely difficult to meet.

Greens candidate Emma Heyde said, “There is enough capacity on the Hornsby Aquatic Centre roof for 1000 solar panels. That’s enough to power 54 Hornsby households a day. The new Hornsby Council must grab this opportunity to solar supercharge our fabulous new swimming pool by investing in clean energy.

“Hornsby Council should be dropping their emissions rates, but in their own annual report for 2014/15 Hornsby Shire Council announced they experienced a 20% increase above 1995/1996 levels of greenhouse gasses.

“Putting solar panels on the swimming pool would be a great start for a new council as it tackles the legacy of Hornsby’s inaction on clean energy.

“Only three percent of Hornsby Shire Council’s energy comes from renewable sources and it has no renewable energy target.

“Hornsby lags way behind other Sydney councils. One in five councils surveyed across Australia have committed to achieving one hundred per cent renewable energy including Ku-ring-gai Council, North Sydney Council, Penrith City Council, the City of Canterbury-Bankstown and City of Blacktown Council.

“Together these councils have pledged to switch to renewable energy, maximise public transport use and develop more climate-resilient communities.

“I firmly believe residents of Hornsby Shire would fully support their council making the same pledge,” Ms Heyde said.

Local resident Alan Rate said, “I’ve lived in the Hornsby area for over 40 years and I use the swimming pool and gym every week. I believe it’s probably the best site in Hornsby for solar panels. It’s in the full sun all year round.

“Investing in clean energy makes financial sense, as well as being good for the local environment,” Mr Rate said.

The Greens call on Hornsby Shire Council to:
· Prepare a feasibility study for rooftop solar on the Aquatic Centre and other council buildings
· Set renewable energy and emissions reductions targets
· Design a meaningful roadmap to achieve these targets
· Consistently report on how the council is tracking on these targets.
· Commit to the Cities Power Partnership

‘A snapshot of the Hornsby Shire in 2016’ – the figure on Council emissions is on p50
Ausgrid: Daily Household energy use by Local Government Area 2015-2016