Here’s What We Care And Campaign About

Hornsby Greens is committed to protecting all the wonderful things about this part of Sydney, including the beautiful bushland and strong sense of community, and moving quickly into a clean energy future. Housing affordability, public transport, public education and preserving green spaces are all things that are very important to us and we campaign and fight for every day.

Our Policies

Altogether Greens NSW have over 50 separate policies, covering a comprehensive range of community concerns, from industrial relations, health, education and justice through to energy and climate change, forests and wilderness, and water. This is our commitment to a state that responds to the challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, providing quality public education, health and transport and securing the natural environment.

These polices have been developed by the membership of The Greens NSW. We are proud of our democratic processes in which each member has the opportunity to help shape the direction of the party. Our full list of state-level policies can be found on The Greens NSW website. Further below are a few that Hornsby Greens actively campaign on.

Renewable Energy

Real action on climate change

NSW is a wealthy state and ideally placed to take a lead in addressing climate change rather than being one of the largest per capita contributors. As frightening as it is, climate change also presents an opportunity to become a world leader in the development, manufacture, use and export of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Thousands of new jobs, particularly in rural and regional areas, can be created by prioritising investment in low carbon technologies.

Affordable housing for every Australian

We believe every person has the right to access affordable, safe, secure, healthy, community-oriented housing that is appropriately designed, constructed and located, and environmentally responsible. It is the responsibility of all levels of government to guarantee access to adequate, affordable and appropriate housing to meet current need and projected demand, thus stemming the growing social inequality in Australia.

Affordable Housing
Renewable Energy

Responsible planning and infrastructure

Residents and the environment have an equal interest in planning decisions. Planning must respond to the demands of increasing urban development, the need to protect fragile environments, the challenge of climate change, and the overriding right of citizens to participate in decisions which affect themselves, their local environment and the planet.

Education is a right of all people

Resources within public education should be allocated to achieve equity in educational opportunity and outcome. Public education should be funded so that it is free and so that every learner in a public facility receives the highest quality education.

Public Education
Renewable Energy

Public transport that works

We believe integrated, accessible, and efficient transport systems will lead to sustainability. State transport infrastructure and major services should be publicly owned and administered, and not run for profit. Maintaining and improving existing public transport infrastructure and services is vital for NSW.

Come see The Koalas Movie, participate in the Q&A, learn about how they may come back!

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 Book at this link.

The Koalas film quotes

Hosted by Hornsby Greens

The koala is being pushed to the brink by habitat loss, urban development, logging & other factors. Can it survive? Wildlife carers observe an increase in sick and injured koalas coming into care. A government enquiry finds that the koala could be extinct in the wild by 2050. Firestorms in 2019/20 followed by floods kill an estimated 61,000 koalas. Saving the koala will take more than the promise of emergency government funding, scientific research, or rescue and care. This film follows the fate of individual koalas that have survived so far but whose future is uncertain. Weaving stories with compelling characters- wildlife carers, scientists, and ecologists in the field, and informed commentary the film questions whether Australia can save an iconic threatened species like the koala. If not, what does it say about us?

Q&A Panel 

Sue Higginson, NSW Greens MP, is an environmental law expert and has practiced as a public interest environmental lawyer. She is the former Principal Solicitor and CEO of the Environmental Defenders Office, Australia's leading public interest environmental law centre.

Lilly Schwartz is Hills Shire Environmental Citizen of the Year 2024. Lilly co-ordinates the HIlls-Hornsby Rural Koala Project (HHRKP) on Dharug land. The HHRKP is a volunteer run project which is investigating koala presence in our region. As well as discussing the tracking of koala activity in the Hills-Hornsby area, Lilly will bring some koala scat, scratch mark photos and audio of koala calls to help residents recognise potential koala activity.

Shaun WardenWildlife Educator, Rehabilitator & CEO, Growing Food for Wildlife Project - 

Scott Melhuish: Koala Advocacy is an initiative aiming to support & defend koalas and their habitat throughout Australia against all threats, both natural and those caused by human society. More information at


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Hornsby 2024 By election Campaign Donation


To donate via cheque or telephone please contact the NSW office on (02) 9045 6999 during office hours.