Ecological Sustainability
The future for Australia can still be a prosperous one if we build our economy on green principles rather than short-term self-interest
Grassroots Democracy
The Greens involve members in key decisions and our campaigns are powered by thousands of ordinary people
Social Justice
Many of the social problems we have today could be dramatically improved if we focus on eliminating extreme inequality in Australia
Peace and Non-Violence
We are committed to peaceful and non-violent solutions and to a foreign policy based on dialogue, diplomacy and cooperation
Hornsby Greens is a local group of Greens NSW and the Australian Greens. Our members generally live in the Hornsby local government area in the northwest of Sydney. The Australian Greens are a political party based on four key principles: ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice and peace and non-violence.
We have the courage to put people and our future first. That means, along with meaningful and smart solutions, to ensure future generations of Australians have clean air, clean water and clean soil. The Greens are also working in many other areas to champion integrity, decency and fairness. The Greens represent constituents and speak on behalf of those who wouldn’t otherwise get much of a say inside parliaments or local council: children, refugees, students, individuals and families living in poverty and, of course, our natural environment.
Hornsby Greens actively campaigns on renewable energy, housing affordability, public transport, public education and preserving green spaces, while Greens NSW has altogether over 50 separate policies.
Get Involved:
We usually meet on the second Monday of each month at the Hornsby Central Library, 28-44 George St (entrance in Hunter Lane) in Hornsby. Please get in touch or check our Facebook for upcoming meetings. During the 2020-2021 pandemic we are meeting online.