NSW State Election 2023

Tania Salitra – The Greens candidate for Hornsby



Image of the NSW Greens candidate for Hornsby Tania Salitra for Hornsby in 2023




As a local councillor and mum, I’m passionate about protecting Hornsby’s precious environment and offering a brighter future for our children.

With my background in production manufacturing management and running a small business, I have the proven energy and focus to deliver results.

I’m proud to stand with The Greens because like you, I’m tired of the rorts, jobs for the boys, the head-in-the-sand approach to the climate crisis, housing crisis and cost-of-living.

After twelve years of Liberal-National neglect, our children’s future is bleak. They can’t afford to buy a home let alone rent and are locked in to huge debt, just to qualify for a job.

Our public schools and healthcare system are under-funded by billions each year. Nurses, midwives, paramedics and teachers deserve better pay and conditions.

This government jails ten-year-olds and bulldozes koala habitat; while selling off our public assets to fund their pet projects.

Our communities’ voices are ignored to the benefit of vested interests like developers. For example, there is concern that this state government is trying to take planning decisions away from councils.

But you can change this.

Vote 1 The Greens to put people before profit. We are the only party with the policies to fix this mess –https://greens.org.au/nsw/policyplatform2023

Ready to help us kick out this government? Get involved, we need you.

Want to read more about Tania?


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Authorised by D. Hayden, for the Greens NSW, 19a/1 Hordern Place Camperdown NSW 2050

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Hornsby Greens actively campaigns on renewable energy, housing affordability, public transport, public education and preserving green spaces, while Greens NSW has altogether over 50 separate policies.