Vote 1 Greens in the 2024 Hornsby Shire Local Government Election
The Hornsby Council election results will be available soon.
Click here to go to the Hornsby state district by-election page.
While we wait for the results of the Electoral Commission’s count, we are hard at work planning our campaign to turn the state seat of Hornsby Green. Our site will be update regularly until election day.
Your Greens Councillors have managed a lot in 27 months – most importantly, we listened, we cared, we acted for residents!
Brooklyn Car Parking:
- Successfully advocated for improved and fairer parking conditions after a Liberal-led push to remove all untimed parking from the Lower McKell car park.
- Put up a motion for council to investigate improvements to safety and accessibility in the car park that river residents were displaced to in Upper McKell; this was not supported by 6 councillors, only 3 Greens and 1 Liberal councillor supported.
- Put up two motions to protect 3 Johnson Rd, Galston as valuable open green space and to stop the proposal to rezone and develop that land into an industrial estate – this was not supported by 7 councillors, only 3 Greens councillors supported.
Community and diversity:
- Motion amended to allow for multicultural representation on committees – this was not supported by 7 councillors, only 3 Greens councillors supported.
- Initiated the first multicultural festival for Hornsby Shire.
- Successfully advocated for residents’ rights in council’s democratic process, to allow residents to speak at meetings and not have to submit a script first.
Climate Action:
- Initiated the move towards all-electric requirement in new developments, due to impacts of gas on health.
- Advocated for more environmental sustainability in the design of new builds and sustainable buildings for Hornsby Town Centre.
Affordable Housing:
- Secured four affordable housing units granted to Council in perpetuity, instead of 10-15 years.
- Consistently advocated for 30% affordable housing on public land and 15% targets on private land.
- Improved Council’s affordable housing targets for Hornsby Town Centre and Cherrybrook Metro.
- Opposed the sub-division of rural land around Galston, Glenorie and Dural – only The Greens voted against, with every motion relating to this over-development passing 7 to 3.
- Put up motions in August 2023 and August 2024 to stop progression of rezoning 3 Johnson Rd, Galston (a much-loved community park) for development into an industrial estate. This was not supported by 7 councillors – only The Greens.
- Protected Pennant Hills Cricket Club from being ousted from their fields of 76 years by a last minute motion by Councillor Tilbury.
- Put a up motion to include requirements for better female representation and “Fair Play for Fair Pay” for clubs using council grounds to reduce the gender inequality – this was not supported by 7 councillors, only Greens councillors supported.
- Advocated for a purpose-built mountain bike trail that would allow higher usage and also allow for the protection of the critically endangered forest that currently hosts the trail.
- Assisted Northern District Hockey Club in obtaining a response to their DA.
- Exposed the toxic health, heat and injury risks for children from synthetic turf.
Roads and Traffic:
- Pushed for the $20 million traffic and road studies of New Line Rd to be publicly released, so we could advocate for any easier and cheaper options identified to help improve pedestrian safety and traffic congestion due to the withdrawal of $70 million in road widening funding – this was rejected by 7 councillors, only 3 greens councillors supported.
- Enabled urgent upgrade of Wollundry Park, due to vandalism.
- Advocated against Beecroft Village Green upgrade being paid for out of Church sale funds, as no other suburb has had to fund their own park upgrade.
- Supported Normanhurst residents in securing a playground upgrade for Charles Curtis Park.
- Secured 3000 more verge tree plantings in Cherrybrook.
- Supported the progression of vegetation mapping throughout the shire to enhance tree and vegetation protections.
- Advocated for tree hollows to be retained where possible as a refuge for wildlife, when trees are being pruned.
- Advocated against synthetic turf due to chemicals and microplastics entering bushland and waterways.
- Advocated for stronger protection of Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest which is a critically endangered ecological community, and Duffy’s Forest also endangered, at Westleigh.
- Advocated for the Off-Leash Dog Park proposal to be taken out of Fagan Park due to the placement on a slope above a dam and the resulting high impact of dog activity on water quality, and negative impact on foraging ability and habitat for migratory birds.
Native wildlife and animals:
- Guidelines and standards for wildlife on building sites adopted into LGNSW Policy.
- Initiated the first Growing Food for Wildlife Project in Hornsby Shire, a native orchard for wildlife carers to harvest food for injured and orphaned native animals.
- Mandatory cat containment adopted into LGNSW Policy.
- Advocated for wildlife crossings and warning signs.
- Advocated for tree shade to be mandatory for animals in fenced paddocks – this was not supported by 7 councillors, only Greens councillors supported.
- Put up a motion to lobby state government to make businesses responsible for the waste they produce with packaging and goods – this was not supported by 7 councillors, only The Greens supported.
- Encouraged council to reduce promotional giveaway items.
- Encouraged council to reduce the use of synthetic banners on fencing.
Efficient Council:
- Advocated for less reliance on consultants to give staff opportunity to engage with community, develop skills and reduce ratepayer’s costs.
Indigenous Issues:
- Advocated for a dedicated Indigenous position to advise Council.
- Advocated for the Scar Tree at Westleigh to remain in place and not be moved.
- Cr Monika Ball and Cr Tania Salitra active members on HATSICC committee.
Your Lead Candidates for 2024
Ward A
Olivia Simons
Living by the Hawkesbury River, I am in awe of the majestic beauty and cultural significance of Hornsby’s environment. As a former horse and pony club enthusiast, I cherish the rural and agricultural areas of our Shire. Providing much needed green space and a tranquil lifestyle, these lands must be preserved for future generations to enjoy. My goal is to care for country, as those before us have.
Development in the Bushland Shire must be appropriate and well-placed to infrastructure and essential services. It must meet our community needs for affordable housing and enhanced open spaces for recreation.
I believe community-led initiatives such as resident associations, cultural organisations, land care groups, and community gardens are the back bone of our Shire. They build social connections, strengthen our neighbourhoods and deserve strong support from Council.
With the cost-of-living crisis hitting hard, families need more help with flexible before and after school care, and vacation care. I will advocate for safe footpaths & cycleways, recreational spaces for all abilities and facilities for older children.
My background in senior management in Information Technology, gives me a deep understanding of the need for due diligence and evidence-based decision making. I am committed to ensuring Council operations are well-planned and governed; and understand the importance of all levels of government working together to address issues with roads, transport and utilities.
As a councillor, I will listen to you and advocate for you and your community.
Please reach out to me on 0490 349 860 or
ⓕ @OliviaSimonsHornsby
Ms Olivia Simons
Ward B
Monika Ball
Throughout my first term on council, I most often heard concerns about tree loss, the negative impacts of private certified developments, and poorly placed (but state-approved) childcare centres.
I’ve stood up to vested interests, advocated for environmental protections and sustainable development, opposed inappropriate development, increased affordable housing targets, and saved Pennant Hills District Cricket Club from losing their field allocation, when an urgent motion was rushed through by another councillor, just weeks prior to season start.
Some of the challenges faced by our shire include:
- Increased development and population densities
- 40,000 more vehicles on our roads by 2036
- Waste crisis peaking at 2030
- Major tree canopy loss.
These are human-induced problems. A warming climate will be the added challenge.
If re-elected in September my focus will be on wellbeing, which encompasses the below.
Nursers, teachers, and critical workers need to live close to where they work, families want to reside near each other, and mature residents want to downsize locally.
New developments are best suited along public transport corridors and must be:
- affordable
- accessible for all manner of abilities including an aging population
- energy efficient
- made from sustainable materials
- designed with significant setbacks to allow for large deep planted trees.
Town centres must be Landscape Master Planned to deliver public gathering spaces under shade trees, outdoor dining areas, and heatwave relief.
Our roads cannot take additional cars and residents should not endure air pollution.
We need:
- suburbs that are fit for human health and habitation
- efficient public transport
- bus stops with seating and shelter from the elements
- shaded streets that are walkable, accessible and safe to cycle, that connect us to schools, parks, services and urban centres where people of all ages can gather outdoors.
Waste will continue to cost us more unless we radically reduce consumption, compost food waste, locally and transition to a circular economy.
Hornsby loses 15,000 trees each year. What’s required is:
- greater protection of trees on private land
- prosecution for tree vandalism and illegal tree destruction
- a ban on the removal of bushland and significant trees for development
- more plantings of trees, shrubs and ground covers on council owned land
- restoration of degraded landscapes.
I can be contacted at
ⓕ @MonikaBallGreensHornsby
ⓘ @healthy_hornsby
Ward C and Mayor
Tania Salitra
I’m passionate about protecting Hornsby’s precious environment and a brighter future for our children.
Federal and State Governments restrain councils through underfunding and overriding our local planning controls. Local councils must have more power to ensure any development is appropriate to our area.
With the current Mayor ousted for refusing property developers free reign over the Bushland Shire, Hornsby’s unique character and heritage is threatened by over-development.
As your Greens Candidate for Mayor and Ward C, I don’t bow to major party lines or political party donors. I will continue to champion your rights; and put community before developers.
The housing and cost-of-living crisis must be urgently addressed by all levels of government. At council, I will continue my strong advocacy for more quality affordable housing and focus on efficiency to minimise service charges.
Stronger enforcement of developer conditions and tree protection is needed to preserve our heritage and character. Climate change must be front and centre of all we do at council; to build our resilience to bushfire, floods and heatwaves.
My achievements on council include Hornsby’s first Multicultural Festival, affordable housing dedicated to council in perpetuity, increased affordable housing targets, moving towards banning gas, fairer car parking for residents and our first native orchard for wildlife carers to harvest food. Improvements I have pushed for include sustainable building design, diversity in council committees, and protection for wildlife from cats and development.
There is still so much more to do: protecting our waterways and bushland, defending rural and agricultural land from developers, youth facilities for teens, more footpaths and cycleways, ending private certification, improving public domain, art and culture facilities, and celebrating our multicultural community.
I have a strong record of listening to residents and acting for you. From the start of this term helping flood affected residents, through to our last meeting, trying to save a beloved park from industrial units and improving car parking for residents; I will not stop working for better outcomes for our communities. I do this with integrity, accountability and energy.
You can contact me on: 0435 434 233 or
ⓕ @taniasalitrahornsby
Councillor Tania Salitra
Your Councillors 2021-2024
In the previous Hornsby Council Election in December 2021, Hornsby Shire residents returned a Greens councillor in each ward. Councillors Emma Heyde, Tania Salitra and Monika Ball have been instrumental in ensuring that the Greens principles of environmental sustainability, social justice, peace and non-violence, and grassroots democracy are brought to the table in council deliberations.
2021-24 Councillors Monika Ball, Emma Heyde and Tania Salitra
Your Lead Candidates for 2024
Ward A
Olivia Simons
Living by the Hawkesbury River, I am in awe of the majestic beauty and cultural significance of Hornsby’s environment. As a former horse and pony club enthusiast, I cherish the rural and agricultural areas of our Shire. Providing much needed green space and a tranquil lifestyle, these lands must be preserved for future generations to enjoy. My goal is to care for country, as those before us have.
Development in the Bushland Shire must be appropriate and well-placed to infrastructure and essential services. It must meet our community needs for affordable housing and enhanced open spaces for recreation.
I believe community-led initiatives such as resident associations, cultural organisations, land care groups, and community gardens are the back bone of our Shire. They build social connections, strengthen our neighbourhoods and deserve strong support from Council.
With the cost-of-living crisis hitting hard, families need more help with flexible before and after school care, and vacation care. I will advocate for safe footpaths & cycleways, recreational spaces for all abilities and facilities for older children.
My background in senior management in Information Technology, gives me a deep understanding of the need for due diligence and evidence-based decision making. I am committed to ensuring Council operations are well-planned and governed; and understand the importance of all levels of government working together to address issues with roads, transport and utilities.
As a councillor, I will listen to you and advocate for you and your community.
Please reach out to me on 0490 349 860 or
ⓕ @OliviaSimonsHornsby
Ward B
Monika Ball
Throughout my first term on council, I most often heard concerns about tree loss, the negative impacts of private certified developments, and poorly placed (but state-approved) childcare centres.
I’ve stood up to vested interests, advocated for environmental protections and sustainable development, opposed inappropriate development, increased affordable housing targets, and saved Pennant Hills District Cricket Club from losing their field allocation, when an urgent motion was rushed through by another councillor, just weeks prior to season start.
Some of the challenges faced by our shire include:
- Increased development and population densities
- 40,000 more vehicles on our roads by 2036
- Waste crisis peaking at 2030
- Major tree canopy loss.
These are human-induced problems. A warming climate will be the added challenge.
If re-elected in September my focus will be on wellbeing, which encompasses the below.
Nursers, teachers, and critical workers need to live close to where they work, families want to reside near each other, and mature residents want to downsize locally.
New developments are best suited along public transport corridors and must be:
- affordable
- accessible for all manner of abilities including an aging population
- energy efficient
- made from sustainable materials
- designed with significant setbacks to allow for large deep planted trees.
Town centres must be Landscape Master Planned to deliver public gathering spaces under shade trees, outdoor dining areas, and heatwave relief.
Our roads cannot take additional cars and residents should not endure air pollution.
We need:
- suburbs that are fit for human health and habitation
- efficient public transport
- bus stops with seating and shelter from the elements
- shaded streets that are walkable, accessible and safe to cycle, that connect us to schools, parks, services and urban centres where people of all ages can gather outdoors.
Waste will continue to cost us more unless we radically reduce consumption, compost food waste, locally and transition to a circular economy.
Hornsby loses 15,000 trees each year. What’s required is:
- greater protection of trees on private land
- prosecution for tree vandalism and illegal tree destruction
- a ban on the removal of bushland and significant trees for development
- more plantings of trees, shrubs and ground covers on council owned land
- restoration of degraded landscapes.
I can be contacted at
ⓕ @MonikaBallGreensHornsby
ⓘ @healthy_hornsby
Ward C and Mayor
Tania Salitra
I’m passionate about protecting Hornsby’s precious environment and a brighter future for our children.
Federal and State Governments restrain councils through underfunding and overriding our local planning controls. Local councils must have more power to ensure any development is appropriate to our area.
With the current Mayor ousted for refusing property developers free reign over the Bushland Shire, Hornsby’s unique character and heritage is threatened by over-development.
As your Greens Candidate for Mayor and Ward C, I don’t bow to major party lines or political party donors. I will continue to champion your rights; and put community before developers.
The housing and cost-of-living crisis must be urgently addressed by all levels of government. At council, I will continue my strong advocacy for more quality affordable housing and focus on efficiency to minimise service charges.
Stronger enforcement of developer conditions and tree protection is needed to preserve our heritage and character. Climate change must be front and centre of all we do at council; to build our resilience to bushfire, floods and heatwaves.
My achievements on council include Hornsby’s first Multicultural Festival, affordable housing dedicated to council in perpetuity, increased affordable housing targets, moving towards banning gas, fairer car parking for residents and our first native orchard for wildlife carers to harvest food. Improvements I have pushed for include sustainable building design, diversity in council committees, and protection for wildlife from cats and development.
There is still so much more to do: protecting our waterways and bushland, defending rural and agricultural land from developers, youth facilities for teens, more footpaths and cycleways, ending private certification, improving public domain, art and culture facilities, and celebrating our multicultural community.
I have a strong record of listening to residents and acting for you. From the start of this term helping flood affected residents, through to our last meeting, trying to save a beloved park from industrial units and improving car parking for residents; I will not stop working for better outcomes for our communities. I do this with integrity, accountability and energy.
You can contact me on: 0435 434 233 or
ⓕ @taniasalitrahornsby
Your Councillors 2021-2024
In the previous Hornsby Council Election in December 2021, Hornsby Shire residents returned a Greens councillor in each ward. Councillors Emma Heyde, Tania Salitra and Monika Ball have been instrumental in ensuring that the Greens principles of environmental sustainability, social justice, peace and non-violence, and grassroots democracy are brought to the table in council deliberations.
2021-24 Councillors Monika Ball, Emma Heyde and Tania Salitra